The Willows at Brandow Point
The Willows at Brandow Point is located at 480 State Route 385 south of Athens, NY. This is a historic farmhouse built around 1788 and listed on the National and State Registers of Historic Places as the William Brandow House. It sits high above the Hudson River surrounded by the Brandow Point Unique Area owned by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The house and surrounding 65 acres is known as the Willows at Brandow Point.

Visiting the Willows at Brandow Point
The Willows at Brandow Point has over 1.5 miles of marked and mowed trails for your walking pleasure. Open from dawn to dusk, all year round, the Willows are a popular place to walk with your kids and walk your dog (on a leash). There is an opening to the Hudson River with scenic views of the river. Download Trail Map (PDF).
Yellow Trail
The Yellow trail begins at the entry station in the parking area. It begins as a wide “conversation trail” as it heads out behind the shed and down the hill to the River (about .3 miles). From there it heads up the hill behind the hunters cabin (along with the blue trail) before branching off to the right and into the woods along the river. Here it is a more narrow path through open forest and meadows till it reaches the upper junction of the blue trail at the far side of the meadow (about .4 miles).
Blue Trail
The Blue trail starts by the River and goes up hill following the grassy path to connect back into the Yellow trail after about .2 miles.
Red Trail
The Red trail starts at the entry station and heads south behind the house and garage then it leads into the woods and works its way down the hill then along the river to meet the Yellow trail after about .4 miles

View and/ or download our map of the trails.

The Willows, a farmhouse in the town of Athens was built in the late 18th century and is listed on the National and State Registers of Historic Places.
We acquired the house in October 2009 and undertook a sensitive renovation that allows us to use the house to support environmental education on the surrounding land owned by the Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and at the nearby Cohotate Preserve.
The current project is replacing the east (front) porch. The intent is to restore it to what it looked like in pictures we have from the late 1800s.
Learn more about the Willows project here.